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Phase 1: Education

Phase one of the school wide service project, Rethink Homelessness, consisted of educating the students on the issue. On the first day, we asked students to reflect on their perceptions of homelessness and homeless people. Then students wrote down their perceptions on cardboard signs and took photographs.


Our hope was that this could serve as documentation of change and that by the end of the project students’ perceptions will look be different. While some students recognized that not all homeless people fit the stereotype, quite a few of the common phrases included dirty, beggars, tattered clothing, and the idea that they live in cardboard boxes.


Our goal from this point on was to show students different scenarios, both real and staged, in order to make them think deeper about the issue and those involved with the homeless population. This phase of the project involved a lot of reflection and a lot of class discussion. Students read excerpts from the book Scratch Beginnings by Adam Shepard and discussed what Shepard went through. They participated in various activities, created by the pilot group of juniors, that get them thinking about assistance and resources available to the homeless population.  Again, our hope is that through discussion, sharing of opinions and viewpoints, and real life stories learners will change their perception and learn something new about the issue.


Keep in mind that at ETA this project was rolled out and completed in 12 weeks, however learners and facilitators only spent time on this during advisory, which was a 25 minute class period. They also only worked on the project three days a week, every other week. In reality, the school wide portion of the project was completed in 18 days total (25 minute periods). The pilot group spent six weeks with 75 minute class periods. It can really be shortened or stretched to meet your needs.  


All resources mentioned in the timeline can be found below including readings, discussion questions, links to videos, and activity instructions. 


Scratch Beginnings by Adam Shepard

Chapter 1: Welcome to Crisis Ministries

Student Instructions:

Please read through Chapter #1 of Scratch Beginnings by Adam Shepard.  (The attached PDF contains Chapter 1 and Chapter 4. For advisory on Wednesday 3/18 you need only read Chapter 1).

Take your time as you're reading and highlight or jot things down that you notice, that surprise you. We'll discuss what happens to Shepard, as well as how the book relates to our own perceptions, in class on Wednesday. 


A little background on the text: 

--Here is a summary from Shepard himself -- also the intro for the text. read-the-intro 

--He's a recent college grad who is flat broke

--He wants to prove that it is possible to start at the bottom and work yourself up

--He decides not to use his college degree yet, but instead "start from scratch"

--He starts out with nothing but, "one 8' x 10' tarp, a sleeping bag, an empty gym bag, $25, and the clothes on my back" (Shepard). 


Chapter 1: 

In the document attached, Chapter 1 starts on page 7. At this point Shepard has come through one of the worst parts of town, traveling first by foot and then by bus after he is repeatedly harassed by other homeless and "down on their luck" residents. He even gives in and buys a woman a bottle of alcohol, for which she underpays him, forcing him to cut into his own $25. It's the middle of the night and he's looking for shelter.


Shepard, Adam. "Welcome to Crisis Ministries." Scratch Beginnings: Me, $25, and the Search for the American Dream. New York: HarperCollins, 2010. Print.


Scratch Beginnings by Adam Shepard

Chapter 4: Big Babies



Scratch Beginnings
by Adam Shepard


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